Consult a mortgage advisor Harrogate before you purchase a house by Sia BenetIn simple term, a mortgage is a loan that you obtain from a lender to buy a property, land or a car. For property, the loan can generally run for twenty-five years but it can be shorter or longer either. You should consult a mortgage advisor Harrogate (also known as a mortgage broker Harrogate) to know more about the process, because a mortgage that is not appropriate for you can turn out to be quite costly in the long run.The mortgage is secured against the value of your property until it is paid back. You should repay the loan or else the lender (bank, financial institution or building society) can take possession of your property and realize their due by selling it. You should decide on the amount very carefully so that it does not upset your financial equations. Remember, after purchasing the house, you still will have to pay council tax, household bills, maintenance and insurance. The bank will see the proof of your income and expenditure before disbursing the loan to you. If you have any debt, they may not approve your application for mortgage.You can seek the help of a mortgage broker Harrogate (also known as independent financial adviser or IFA) for your benefit. With their years of experience, they can compare different mortgages available in the market and advise you on the most appropriate product. You also come to know about the documents needed, their charges for their service and the limitations or restrictions of the mortgage plans. Let us start with the basics that you must know before you approach for a mortgage. These are the type of mortgage you want; the property you want to buy and the amount you wish to borrow and its tenure. The mortgage advisor Harrogate will have a most comprehensive mortgage payment calculator to tell you the amount you need to repay and the interest amount. In a typical calculator, you will have to insert the price of the property and the deposit you can make. You must include the charges to be paid towards legal fee, mortgage fee, tax on stamp duty etc. The calculator will show you the amount to be paid each month and will also specify how much extra you need to pay if the interest rate goes up. Once you know the amount you need to pay each month, you would be able to judge if it is within your affordability. Else, you can change the amount to be borrowed and your advisor will help you in calculating how the revised monthly payment. For example, he/she may suggest you a better product that will reduce the amount without making any change in either the sum you need to borrow or the amount of deposit. Following the advice of the mortgage broker Harrogate you can increase the deposit amount to lower the amount to be paid every month. They will introduce you to the Government schemes for first-time home buyers under affordable housing schemes and will check out if you are eligible for these. Essentially, the mortgage advisor Harrogate makes the process of purchasing a property or a house easy, hassle free and reasonable for you as well.Mortgage broker Harrogate or mortgage advisor Harrogate should be honest on offering you advice.Article Source: